Genius-level training in colour analysis and colour personality, to easily become fully booked, fill your workshops and consultations, and achieve Colour Analysis Genius Certification.
Course access by invitation only, contact me for details. Genius-level training in colour analysis and colour personality, to easily become fully booked, fill your workshops and consultations, and achieve Colour Analysis Genius Certification.
As you work through the 6x new, updated Colour Analysis Genius training modules, you’ll be using extracts from these 3x individual training courses (all are included with Colour Analysis Genius), and each with their own certification:
- Colour Analysis in a Box – Learn seasonal and tonal colour analysis, with and without the drapes, with my proven step-by-step ‘Put the Client First’ system. Includes how to run 1-1 consultations and workshops, client handouts, colour psychology, and business advice
- Tonal Taster – If I had to start again tomorrow with no list of previous clients, I would use the ‘Tonal Taster’ to kick-start my business. Watch 2 hours of me presenting a live Tonal Taster to an audience of over 60 ladies and gentlemen
- Get More Clients – Discover who your ideal clients are, where to find them, how to let them know you’re available, exactly what to say to them, what to charge, and how to keep them coming back for more..
Whether it’s to start your own colour consultancy, or add colour analysis to your existing skill set or business
Colour Analysis Genius is genius-level training in colour analysis and colour personality, for you to become a confident colour consultant, running a fully-booked professional service, and to be recognised as a Colour Analysis Genius.
What makes Colour Analysis Genius different?
When I first ran the original Colour Analysis Genius, I had already created lots of live training and self-study courses, but this was the first time I had managed to put everything into one super-duper program.
So, Colour Analysis Genius covers seasonal and tonal colour analyis, colour personality, marketing, finding clients, and because all my training is franchise-free, you will discover how to build a business around YOU and your personality.
Colour Analysis Genius is designed to help you become a confident colour consultant. You’ll be running a fully-booked professional service with a definitive marketing message. You’ll be ready to work with your ideal clients in a group or on a 1-1 basis and help them look and feel absolutely fabulously confident for every occasion!
Designed to motivate and encourage you
I hear this all the time – you sign up for colour analysis training and never quite manage to complete it – and that’s a crying shame because there are clients out there just waiting for you to tell them you’re ready to help them look and feel fabulous.
Colour Analysis Genius is designed to motivate and encourage you to work through all the training, and provides exactly what you need to work efficiently through the content and get your questions answered along the way.
Before the training sessions begin, there are extra teaching webinars waiting for you in your VIP Lounge account.
Getting Started
Extra training content to get you started on the right foot.
Colour Genius Module 1
Easy steps to analysing seasonal and tonal colour analysis
How do you complete a colour analysis without drapes? If you have drapes, how should you use them? And most importantly, how do you make the process of colour analysis stress-free, fun, and easy for you, so that you can spend more time helping each individual client with their specific issues rather than draping her for the sake of it?
Colour Genius Module 2
A simple plan for the perfect 1-1 colour consultation
How do you personalise each colour consultation to ensure your client gets what she wants, and wants more? We cover the consultation timing, the props you need, what to include, and what to leave out.
Colour Genius Module 3
How can you understand your client to provide exactly what she wants?
How do you determine your onw, and your client’s colour personality and why is it so important? When you understand what makes your client tick, it’s easy to create rapport which forms the basis of a long-term relationship so that you can support your client on her continuing colour journey.
Colour Genius Module 4
My secret marketing method, the Tonal Taster, the foundation to everything
How do you create talks, presentations, and small group workshops to introduce the concept of colour and get people to know, like and trust you?
How do you diagnose the tonal dominant for every single person at a talk, presentation, or workshop, to encourage them to book with you for 1-1 seasonal colour analysis consultations?
Learn how to diagnose dominant and secondary tonal characteristics during a 1-1 seasonal colour consultation.
How to create a series of workshops to expand on the concepts of colour, to add more value for your already-happy colour clients, and to introduce yourself to new people. And how do you create a VIP client event for a local business? It’s all in module 4.
Colour Genius Module 5
How to fill your workshops and consultations
You’ll create a practical plan using the Get More Clients Course to become fully booked, and most likely end up with a waiting list! Learn how to find your first paying clients. How to let potential clients know that you’re available for business, and exactly what to say to them. What should you charge? How do you keep your clients coming back for more?
Colour Genius Module 6
How to nail and create your definitive marketing message
Learn how to create your presentation pitch, sometimes known as your elevator speech, using the 3 circles method. This will form the basis of all your future marketing and enable you to write blog articles, set up and write the copy for your website, create a brand and a logo, write social media posts. Once you’ve nailed your definitive marketing message, everything else will flow with ease and grace.
Set yourself up for success
Set yourself up for huge success as a highly-respected Colour Analysis Genius.
You have lifetime access to the entire contents of this amazingly, life-changing course. So watch the training sessions whenever it suits your schedule, do the work, and be recognised at a higher level for your commitment to colour analysis with Colour Analysis Genius Certification.
If you dream of being fully booked, helping loads of lovely ladies to look and feel confidently fabulous on every occasion, then Colour Analysis Genius was designed especially for you.
How many hours?
Around how many hours do I need to put into this course?
The total time for Colour Analysis Genius training videos and audios is around 26 hours.
There are 6 new, updated Colour Genius training modules.
I’ve also included the 6 original (pre-course) training modules. You don’t have to watch these at all, but lots of consultants have told me they found them really useful.
For a full explanation of how everything works including my ‘Top Tips for Getting It All Done’, there are 2x ‘Let’s Get Started’ videos (1.5 hours)
And I’ve included 4 bonus webinars of around 45 to 60 minutes each (4 hours).
As you work through the 6x Colour Genius training modules, you’ll be using extracts from these 3 individual courses (all are included with Colour Analysis Genius), each with their own certification:
- Colour Analysis Training in a Box seasonal & tonal colour analysis training has 9 videos of around 1 hour each, a course manual, and extra training materials (9 hours)
- The Tonal Taster has 2 videos with the expanded script and loads of my personal notes (2 hours)
- Get More Clients course has 7 modules, each with a 30-minute audio, a workbook, and a recording of a Q&A session of approximately 90 minutes. There are also 2 extra modules. (Total 17 hours).
You do NOT need to complete each one of these courses before you begin Colour Genius
- You can go through each individual course, or just the bits you haven’t already covered, at any time after you’ve completed all 6x Colour Genius training modules.
How many must I analyse?
How many people do I have to analyse as part of the coursework, and in what timeframe?
There is no requirement to analyse a specific number of people. My colour analysis training is based on the fact that you cannot be right or wrong about colour analysis. There isn’t a central international body that legislates on what is correct or incorrect about colour, including naming conventions, seasons or tones. The only person who can say whether you are right or wrong is your client. And we cover exactly how to do this in the Colour Analysis Genius course.
Do I need to buy swatches and drapes?
Do I need to buy your swatch and drape kit?
There is no requirement to have the drapes and swatches before you begin Colour Analysis Genius. You can add these later, during or after the course, and you can source your colour supplies from wherever you want. I don’t run a franchise and my colour analysis training was always designed to work with any professional drapes and swatches.
Do you qualify for a bespoke upgrade?
Do you qualify for a bespoke upgrade to Colour Analysis Genius? If you already have one of my professional-level colour analysis courses, and would like Colour Analysis Genius, then contact me and I will put together a bespoke upgrade for you.
I am already working through the Colour Analysis Training in a Box course. Do you think I would benefit from upgrading to Colour Analysis Genius, or should I continue with Colour Analysis Training in a Box? I really am keen to launch my business and am also working on my website.
You are exactly the person I have designed Colour Analysis Genius for. It’s designed to motivate and encourage you to work through all the content in Colour Analysis Training in a Box. Whatever life throws at you, this will make it so much easier to pick up again.
It’s perfect for image consultants, like yourself, who are ready to launch your business too because one of the 6 training sessions is devoted to defining and nailing your marketing message. When you can explain easily and quickly what you can do for a prospective client, it will be so much easier to fill your diary with workshops and consultations. Your bespoke marketing message will then form the foundation of all your marketing and promotional stuff, including your website copy, business cards, leaflets, blog articles, social media posts, newsletters, etc.
Stuff the system put the client firsts
Colour Analysis Genius is exclusive, franchise-free, professional-level colour analysis training, including colour personality, marketing, and how to create the colour consultancy of your dreams using the only ‘Stuff the system put the client first’ training on the planet!
Lifetime access to Colour Analysis Genius training and notes:
- 6 new, updated, exclusive Colour Genius training sessions
- 4 bonus Colour Genius training webinars
- 6 pre-course Colour Genius training modules
- Colour Analysis Genius certification
Colour Analysis Genius also includes 3 professional-level training courses:
See what they’re saying.
Our happy customers have a lot to say about the Colour Analysis Genius Course!
Colour Analysis Genius Course Summary |
Immediate, lifetime online access |
Includes Colour Analysis Genius course |
and 3 additional professional-level courses |
Colour Analysis Training in a Box |
The Tonal Taster |
Get More Clients Course |
Total number of hours’ training |
Professional-level franchise-free colour analysis training |
Course Accreditation Internationally-recognised accreditation with your Improvability diploma |
Training Support Includes lifetime personal email support |
More VIP invitation only courses
- Colour analysis explained
- Colour analysis genius
- Colour confidence expert
- Colour yourself fabulous
- Fabulous colour analysis course
- Life purpose breakthrough program
- The place to be community
More colour analysis courses
- Colour Analysis Training a Box
- Hair Colour Analysis
- Colour Psychology
- Tonal Colour Analysis
- The Tonal Taster
- Colour Your Client Online
- Advanced Colour Analysis
- Fabulous Colour Academy
Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies
All our ‘Stuff the System’ colour analysis training and personal style courses are franchise-free which means you do not have to use our colour analysis drapes, capes, and fabric fans when you train with us. There are no franchise-style restrictions here and, unlike many training companies out there, we believe you should be able to choose colour supplies with no strings attached. However, for your delectation, here is our online catalogue of colour analysis supplies at trade prices – the colour supplies we use in all our colour & style courses:
- Seasonal colour analysis fabric fans
- Tonal colour analysis fabric fans
- Colour analysis drape sets
- Colour analysis drape starter sets
The course is organised into modules and each module is broken down into manageable topics, so that you can easily keep track of your progress. The course contains:
- Video based training
- Easy to view, download, or print course manuals
- Easy to view, download, or print training resources
- Additional video based training modules
- Exclusive online community for questions and 24/7 support
- Personal email support
- Training certification
Colour Analysis Genius includes the following courses:
Includes the original Colour Analysis Genius v1 content:
- Recordings of 6 pre-course training webinars
- Recordings of 6 live training and coaching sessions
- Recordings of 4 additional training webinars
Also includes updated Colour Analysis Genius v2 content:
- Extra video based training
- Extra training resources
- Extra live training with recordings
Course Content

Course Includes
- 16 Modules
- 57 Topics
Useful tip:
How to add your own course notes