Colour Psychology Course

Learn how to identify colour personality types using a variety of techniques and help your clients dress to express who they really are.

In this colour psychology course learn step-by-step how to diagnose colour personality type, using a variety of different techniques and tools. Create a bespoke colour and personality service that your clients will absolutely adore.

The point of using colour psychology in the world of image consulting is to get inside your client’s head to discover what makes her tick. Who is she being right now, who would she really rather be, and how you can help her dress to express herself.

colour personality changes everything

Human beings think about themselves 95% of the time. People want to know who they are, what they’re doing here, and how to make the most of themselves and their lives.

I started with colour analysis in the early Eighties when we just lumped everyone into 4 seasonal boxes. For a constant learner like me, this was clearly not good enough. It was easy for the image consultant but more than disrespectful to the client.

You simply cannot dump billions of people on this planet into 4 neat little boxes, just to make the diagnosis process easy.

course classroom

I always knew that there had to be more to colour analysis than simply diagnosing and dressing a physical lump of meat. Our clients are living, breathing human beings with feelings and emotions which must be taken into account when dressing for different occasions.

Our clients are looking for a way to express who they really are, or who they would like to be perceived as, on different occasions, and you cannot do that with a 2-dimensional physical colour analysis. But you can expand and deepen the colour experience for your 5-dimensional client when you help her discover who she is, with her colour personality type.

course author Kim Bolsover

In this Colour Psychology course:

  • Explore the plethora of different techniques and tools for personality typing that I’ve used myself so that you can choose which one(s) work for you
  • Learn step-by-step how to diagnose colour personality type and create a bespoke colour and personality service that your clients will absolutely adore
  • Enjoy a unique opportunity to explore the history of colour personality profiling
  • Look in detail at my own approach to colour psychology which I’ve refined over the past 40+ years
  • On completion of the course you will be using your own choice of tools and methods to profile your clients quickly in your head and, if you choose, to involve them in the diagnosis too

The colour psychology techniques and tools you will learn will give you insight into who your client is, who she wants to be, and how you can help her get there. After all, the more you understand your client, the more focused and personalised your services can be.

You’ll have my step-by-step tools to discover her colour personality and understand how this enables you to create a bespoke service for each individual client.

You’ll have so much more confidence working with your clients, and they will absolutely love the personalised service.

Just getting started?

This advanced course assumes you already understand the fundamentals of colour analysis so if you haven’t already studied colour analysis, I recommend you complete Colour Analysis Training in a Box or the Fabulous Colour Analysis Course first.

A client’s mood can affect her colour analysis results

I asked some of my clients what they would like to learn about colour psychology and they said:

  • colour and psychological type
  • how your client’s mood can affect her results
  • what are the psychological drivers that make someone decide to have a colour analysis
  • how to use colour to complement your body language and complexion
  • how wearing certain colours can influence your mood and feelings as well as the feelings of those around you

A unique opportunity to explore colour psychology, the history of colour personality profiling, and look in detail at my own approach to colour psychology which I’ve refined over the last 40+ years. On completion of the course you will be using my tools and methods to profile your clients quickly in your head and, if you choose, involving them in the diagnosis too.

The colour psychology techniques and tools you will learn give you insight into who your client is, who she wants to be, and how you can help her get there. After all, the more you understand your client, the more focused and personalised your services can be. You’ll have my step-by-step tools to discover her colour personality so that you can create a bespoke colour and personality service for each individual client.

When I first introduced the concept of mixing colour psychology with physical colour analysis, my consultants absolutely loved it. But when I began trying out alternative personality profiling methods, I found myself having to explain why I could no longer recommend that image consultants should teach themselves by reading this book, or signing up for that course. I simply didn’t agree with everything that was out there.

In this webinar recording I share some of those amazing discussions, how I developed my own way of working and completely revolutionised my colour business, and how the only solution was to create my own training course so that I could explain all the different methods for those who wanted to do the same, and exactly why colour personality so totally rocks!

Listening to the info about the Colour Psychology again and I’m wondering if actually I’ve been missing the core of me (which could explain a lot of things…literally and physically!) – which I think is a Winter not Spring. I think I felt I should drop the ‘Winter’ part of me when I got married to allow my husband to be more Winter…fascinating and looking forward to chatting about this more!!



I think the information and presentation with Kim IS fabulous and can hardly wait to move forward.



I’m loving the colour training so far and I’m about halfway through. It’s all making total sense and I’m starting to guess people’s colours as I walk down the street! I seem to remember that during our great War and Peace exchange you mentioned it would be interesting doing the colour psychology test. It made me laugh when I got ‘green’ as my results (very closely followed by yellow) as it completely summed me up. I have a very inquiring mind and question everything (as you probably noticed!), get involved, commit passionately to any project, and struggle with anything superficial. Luckily I also have a good sense of humour to counterbalance my intensity!



Colour Psychology Course
A full day’s live training course captured on video
A plethora of online training materials and extra resources
Personality typing from the very beginning. Different approaches to personality typing including the Four Humours, Carl Jung, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Extraversion vs. Introversion, Keirsey Temperament Sorter II, True Colors, VAK Learning Styles, Colour Affects, and lots more including methods of personality typing such as Color Me A Season, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Enneagrams and Archetypes
Course certification
Includes lifetime personal email support

Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies

All our courses are franchise-free which means you do not have to use the colour analysis drapes, capes, and fabric fans in our online catalogue of colour analysis supplies at trade prices. The colour supplies we use in our courses are:

The course is organised into modules and each module is broken down into manageable topics so that you can easily keep track of your progress.

The course contains:

  1. Video based training
  2. Easy to view, download, or print course notes
  3. Easy to view, download, or print training resources
  4. Additional audio and video based training modules
  5. Personal email support
  6. Training certification

About Instructor

Kim Bolsover

The VIP Lounge was founded by award-winning mentor, trainer, speaker, and author, Kim Bolsover, who is also an independent trainer for Wella UK’s Master Colour Expert trainers and a Certified Words That Change Minds LAB Profile® Practitioner. Kim has over 40 years’ experience teaching colour, style and image, appearance, behaviour and communication, and in coaching and mentoring image consultants and entrepreneurs to build their own successful businesses. 10 things you didn't know about me

28 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 15 Modules
  • 24 Topics
  • all major cards accepted