Colour Analysis Training in a Box

Diagnose both seasonal and tonal colour analysis for every skin type. Learn how to get your colour consultancy up and running, and how to run your colour consultations and workshops.

Colour Analysis Training in a Box is a franchise-free seasonal and tonal colour analysis course, with colour psychology training that’s not available anywhere else.

Learn seasonal and tonal colour analysis from scratch, or add colour to your existing image consultancy, with my proven step-by-step Stuff the System Put the Client First method, along with my personal email support.

This course includes the Fabulous Colour Analysis Course.

colour analysis training in a box

What should you be looking for?

What should you be looking for in a Colour Analysis training course?

The course is written and presented by Kim Bolsover, a recognised, award-winning professional who has run her own successful image consultancy for over 40 years. It’s self-study training so you learn at your own pace without the need to leave your home or office.

It’s professional training on tap, wherever you are in the world.

  • The course includes both seasonal and tonal colour analysis
  • The choice to work with 4 seasons, 6 tones, 12 seasons, or any other combination
  • Works with any skin type or colour, in any country
  • Works with any drapes and colour swatches
  • Takes into account both the physical and psychological aspects of your client
  • How to get your image consultancy up and running and how to get your first clients
  • How to expand your existing image business
  • Includes comprehensive support so you have a real person to turn to with your questions both during and after your course

Condensing over 40 years of colour analysis learning into one course was always going to involve a mountain of information. It’s a bit much to take in all at once, so I’ve split it down into an easy-to-follow modular format.

colour analysis training in a box

Here’s how it works

Follow the online tuition with the Colour Analysis Training Manual, the same training guide that every single trainee receives on my face-to-face training events. You don’t get a cut-down version. Then just when you thought the training manual was more than enough, there’s extra online learning, over 370 pages of in-depth training materials, plus I’ve included all the done-for-you, ready-to-print client handouts you’ll need to get started.

  • Learn colour theory and the principles of seasonal and tonal colour analysis, the 4 Seasons and the 6 Tones, seasonal traits and tonal characteristics, and how to put it all into practice
  • Learn about skin tone, how your client relates to colour, and how my methods work with every skin type and colour on the planet
  • How to run 1-to-1 colour consultations without the stress
  • How to run group colour workshops so that you can cater for all client types
  • How to easily determine your client’s colour personality and your own, of course
  • How to help every client look and feel so fabulous that they book with you for more

The 1-to-1 colour consultation

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Boost your confidence knowing you have access to my tried-and-tested techniques that I’ve spent years fine tuning.

  • Learn how to do a 1-to-1 colour consultation by watching an in-depth full-length unedited colour consultation
  • Find out how to use and advise your client on neutrals, accent colours, jewellery, make-up
  • Discover how to diagnose colour using your drapes
  • Learn alternative ways to analyse your client’s colouring
  • Discover how to easily do personal and group colour analysis without a drape in sight
  • Add another dimension to your colour consultations with a simple, fun way to discover your client’s colour personality
  • Learn how to put it all together to create an unique service that will make you stand out from the crowd

Colour personality

Learn a simple, fun way to help your client discover her own colour personality. This will help you communicate effectively with every client, especially when they’re completely different from you. Learn how to add colour psychology as a fabulous, fun extra to your colour services.

Video clips from the course

Here are a few clips from the Colour Analysis Training in a Box course. There are about 20 minutes so grab a cup of tea, sit back and click play…

What results can you expect?

What results can you expect with my ‘Stuff the System! Put the Client First’ method of Colour Analysis training?

Easily recoup your investment

With hints and tips from over 40 years running my own image consultancy, learn:

  • How to get your first clients
  • How to handle telephone enquiries
  • How to promote your colour consultations and group workshops
  • How to book paying clients
  • How to build your very own franchise-free image consultancy
  • How to maximise your income and profits

You’ll understand the principles of seasonal and tonal colour analysis and how to apply them to any client anywhere in the world, no matter what their skin type or colour. You’ll be treating every single client as an unique individual. You’ll be changing people’s lives, giving them the confidence to become the person they were always meant to be – and that includes YOU!

  • You will be able to run 1-1 client consultations and group workshops
  • You will know how to find new clients and how to create repeat business with existing clients
  • You will have your very own franchise-free independent colour consultancy and earn the respect and admiration of friends, family, and clients
  • You will experience a sense of purpose in your life doing the ‘work’ you previously only dreamed of

Why franchise-free?

This revolutionary colour analysis training, can be taken and re-taken whenever you like, and gives you a fantastic opportunity to get in on professional training at a mere snip of the cost to attend a live event. I love live training but it can take several days out of your already-busy schedule, and those travel and hotel expenses can easily double your overall training costs.

There are also plenty of courses out there that cost thousands of dollars and they want you to sell their make-up and scarves! For many of them, colour is just a front end to encourage you to sell their products to your clients. Even worse, some will restrict you to working in just your local area, or only use their colour supplies.

Is that what you want? Or do you want to do things your way? If you don’t want to be involved with a franchise-type training company, then take a good long look at my courses -they’re all franchise-free.

colour analysis training

Is this training for you?

If you’re looking for in-depth, professional colour analysis training which puts the client first, and you want my personal support, and to be recognised as an expert Colour Consultant, then this is absolutely for you!

Best of all, you get a proven system

A proven system that has produced over 3,000 consultants in 60+ countries around the world. You get a step-by-step guide with my personal support that starts you on your way and builds your confidence making you virtually unstoppable in your efforts to realise your dream and work with colour and wonderful clients.

Professional training on tap, wherever you are in the world.

Colour Analysis Training in a Box customers around the world, including…

Austria, Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Channel Islands, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Gran Canaria, Greece, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, and USA.

Your questions answered

Do I need extra drapes for the tonal system?

Kim, I’ve already trained in seasonal and have the 60 seasonal drape set. I really want to learn tonal and wanted this package but I’ll need to buy the extra 90 tonal drape set to learn tonal analysis and I can’t find the extra money to do both. Very disappointed but thank you for trying to help me.

Dear Karsburga, I cannot for the life of me understand why you think you’ll need extra tonal drapes. You don’t need one set of drapes for tonal and another for seasonal. Every single one of our drapes carry a label with both seasonal and tonal directions. So all our drapes can be used for both seasonal and tonal draping.

You don’t need both sets. We have simply selected 15 drapes for each of the 4 seasons in the Seasonal set so you can easily conduct Spring vs. Autumn comparisons, Spring vs. Winter comparisons, and Spring vs. Summer comparisons (plus all the other permutations, of course). But you will just as easily be able to pick out comparison drapes to select or compare the correct tones too.

The same goes for the Tonal set, where we have selected 15 drapes for each of the 6 tones; it will be simple to compare Deep vs. Light, Cool vs. Warm, Bright vs. Muted. But you will just as easily be able to pick out seasonal comparison drapes if you want to. Also, there are 42 drapes which are common to both sets.

You do not need both sets!

  • If you intend to work with the seasonal method, then choose the seasonal set
  • If you intend to work with both methods, then the choice is up to you, do you want to work with 60 or 90 drapes?
  • If you intend to work with the tonal method, then choose the tonal set

Do I have to give up seasonal altogether?

Kim, Having performed quite a few colour analyses lately, I’m finding that perhaps seasonal swatches aren’t quite accurate enough for me, and that I need to incorporate tonal. Will your new Tonal System program show me how to do that, without me having to give up my seasonal work altogether?

Dear Ethelreda, I totally get this. Seasonal alone just doesn’t help everyone. It’s spot on for me; I’m the archetypal Winter, regardless of whether my hair is dark or blonde. But my poor Mum struggled for years with a Winter wallet because she was really a Winter going into Spring (in the old flow system). At one point I gave her both a Winter and Spring wallet but she refused to carry both around with her. So when I re-trained in tonal, the Bright tonal wallet was like a breath of fresh air to her.

So now I can offer seasonal to those clients who are definitely one of the four seasons. And I can offer tonal to those who aren’t. And so can you. You’ll love this training. Invite your happy seasonal clients back and give them a boost by adding some more tonal information to their seasonal diagnosis. Invite back those who you know really need more than the four seasons, and give them a bespoke tonal diagnosis. You will have lots of extremely happy clients and you will just love this!

Just ordered! Can’t wait to learn more from you. I use a regular 4 seasons colour testing for my clients and it has been very successful. But I want to expand my horizons and learn everything about a tonal method.



Ordered and looking forward to getting started. You always give so much value and this has such a great price plus the tonal system bonuses. I just couldn’t resist.



I have just finished my training on Colour Analysis by watching the video set. Everything was perfect and I found you very brilliant the way you have put the subject matter. I will soon be ordering my Seasonal Drape Set and Seasonal Wallets from your wholesale catalogue. I will start practicing on family and friends as soon as I receive them. I can hardly wait, as I am so enthusiastic about it. Thank you again Kim, for this opportunity of opening new doors in my life.



Kim, did 2 consultations during half-term break (had 3 people asking but I needed a bit of a break) and both ladies are so delighted they have weeded out their wardrobes and donated loads to charity. Charities are benefitting from colour styling! I took your advice and cut down on the work that goes into the client profile.



Hello Kim, I would like to say that everything I have purchased has been extremely useful. The course was very clear and articulated beautifully for me. Thank you. I received the training on Tuesday 4 March and I had my first colour analysis workshop/party on Saturday 8th!



Hi Kim, Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today – I know how busy you are and I really appreciate your help. I love how calm you are and your confidence really helps give me the boost I need (despite not knowing much at all!). I will have a read of your offers tonight but I will definitely be ordering the ‘Colour Analysis in a Box course’! I am excited about it already. I thank my lucky stars I stumbled across you on the web as you really are fab!! Thanks.



Dear Kim, I would firstly like to say thank you for such wonderful courses. I have just completed my Colour Analysis and Ladies Style Courses and training manuals and both courses were so informative and enjoyable. I just need to get going now and gosh, I am so nervous! I absolutely love colour as I am qualified in Colour Healing Therapy and I love the psychology of it all, so am looking forward to applying my new skills.



Hello there Kim! I have just finished your wonderful Color Analysis in a Box and Tonal Taster training and would like to request my Diploma. I have been immersed in the wonderful world of learning all about your color system and have to say this is by far the best experience abroad that I have ever had and feel very blessed to have you as my teacher! I found it to be the most comprehensive program I could find and the one that makes total sense to me.



Dear Kim, I recently completed studying your Colour Analysis Training Package and wanted to personally say a big thank you! Your teaching and presentation style is so warm and natural. You really are a precious lady and a wonderful teacher and I have learnt so much from all the information you shared. I am about to start the Advanced Colour Analysis course which I am very looking forward to. Thank you again.



Hello Kim, I have been absorbed in your Colour Analysis Training videos and find them to be fantastic and exactly what I have been looking for, for over 40 years! In part 8 you do a Personality Questionnaire, could I please have a copy of these to use? Thanks. Kim’s reply – Amanda, the quiz together with the answers are in the online training resources included with your course, just login and scan down the document list.



Hi Kim, just ordered the Seasonal and Tonal System Training. After watching your videos on colour analysis, I had an epiphany and realised that I had been using the seasonal system just because I hadn’t understood the potential of the tonal system. Now I’m a total fan of the tonal system – it allows me to see and appreciate the first dominants of a woman and, after that, check my observations with the drapes. I just love it!



I have just placed my Seasonal and Tonal System Training order! I have your original Colour Analysis Training in a Box on DVD but the new online version will be handy. It’s the tonal taster script that got me! And of course seeing the live demo to a group will be excellent. I would like to be able to get my head around the tonal system properly so thanks for this offer.


New Zealand

colour analysis training
Colour Analysis Training in a Box Summary
Immediate, lifetime online access
Filmed live with a real-life image consultant, a full 2 days of seasonal and tonal colour analysis training
Over 9 hours of tuition
Over 370 pages of in-depth training materials
Course Accreditation
Seasonal and tonal colour analysis certification
Training Support
Includes lifetime personal email support

Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies

All our courses are franchise-free which means you do not have to use the colour analysis drapes, capes, and fabric fans in our online catalogue of colour analysis supplies at trade prices. The colour supplies we use in our courses are:

The course is organised into modules and each module is broken down into manageable topics so that you can easily keep track of your progress.

The course contains:

  1. Video based training
  2. Easy to view, download, or print course manuals
  3. Easy to view, download, or print training resources
  4. Additional video based training modules
  5. Personal email support
  6. Training certification

About Instructor

Kim Bolsover

The VIP Lounge was founded by award-winning mentor, trainer, speaker, and author, Kim Bolsover, who is also an independent trainer for Wella UK’s Master Colour Expert trainers and a Certified Words That Change Minds LAB Profile® Practitioner. Kim has over 40 years’ experience teaching colour, style and image, appearance, behaviour and communication, and in coaching and mentoring image consultants and entrepreneurs to build their own successful businesses. 10 things you didn't know about me

28 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 15 Modules
  • 26 Topics
  • all major cards accepted