An extensive library of 34 colour analysis podcasts and colour analysis training with award winning author Kim Bolsover.
For Fabulous Colour Academy members only.
These podcasts were originally published as audiobooks in 2014 and we have remastered the original recordings to create new podcast titles that use the latest streaming technology. Fast-forward and rewind, use chapter markers to find your place, and get the best possible audio from your internet connection, with no time wasted downloading and no storage space taken on your device. Perfect!
Learn new skills with 34 colour analysis podcasts!
Colour Analysis
1: Theory, Concepts and Aesthetics of Colour
If you don’t understand colour theory and how to apply the concepts, how can you expect your clients to understand what on earth you’re talking about? We look at the basics of colour including subtractive and
additive systems, using the colour wheel, the importance of Munsell’s colour system and how to apply it to your colour analysis services.
2: 10 Top Tips for Diagnosing Warm vs. Cool
Through defining Warm vs. Cool in relation to colour analysis, we investigate 4 urban myths for diagnosing Warm and Cool that definitely don’t work and my own 10 top tips that definitely do! You’ll be able to choose the ones that work for you and ditch the ones that don’t.
3: Seasonal to Tonal Colour Analysis, and vice versa!
Are your potential clients confused by the existence of two approaches to colour analysis – seasonal and tonal? Using famous examples, we get down to the basics to define both seasonal and tonal colour. We look at how to put the two together, how to move between tonal and seasonal diagnosis, and why this skill is so important to the futures of both your client and your business.
4: How to Put on a Small Group Colour Workshop
We look at the business benefits of providing colour workshops for small groups, how to plan them, with a script for how to run the actual event including content suggestions, what to say, timings and how to generate more business from each workshop.
5: 10 Top Tips for a Successful 1-1 Colour Consultation
Here are 10 practical tips on how to plan a 1-1 colour session including a suggested time schedule, what to focus on, specific colour suggestions for each season, and how to ensure that your happy client becomes a long-term paying customer.
Colour Analysis Podcasts
These podcasts are available to Colour Academy Members Only
Personal Style
6: 10 Top Tips for a Successful 1-1 Style Consultation
Before you diagnose your client’s shape, scale, style personality, etc., you need to understand exactly what she actually wants from her individual consultation. Here are 10 practical tips on how to plan a 1-1 session, what to include, what to focus on and what not to spend too much time on. You will create happy clients who will book with you over and over again.
7: Dressing your Body Shape
What is the ultimate point of a body shape or style consultation? We define four different body shapes, why we dress each one differently, how to dress each of them, and how you can use all your insider knowledge to change your client’s life for the better and keep her coming back for more.
8: Dressing for the Festive Season
Lots of practical tips for what to wear for all occasions over the Christmas and New Year season and how to dress up for a party. You will learn how to sparkle during the festive season without looking like the proverbial Christmas tree! Plus you will see how easy it is to use all this information with your clients to expand your styling business.
9: How to Create a Wardrobe that Works for Every Occasion
We look at the 7 things you must take into account to help your client build a bespoke, personalised capsule wardrobe that suits her and no-one else, that works for every occasion in her life. You’ll also learn how to create at least 47 outfits from a capsule wardrobe using only 3 colours.
10: What on earth does Scale have to do with Style?
Through unlocking the 7 elements of style, we look closely at the 2 most important aspects of scale that will help you dress your clients. You’ll also learn the one thing you must not be solely influenced by when it comes to dressing your client, and a great tip for illustrating all this in a talk or presentation to help you promote your business.
11: How to Minimise the Body Bits your Clients Hate!
When your client cries out, “It’s too large!” or “It’s too small!” your job is to help her reduce the demoralizing impact of her ‘problem’. We look at all the probable body issues that your clients will complain about and come up with style solutions for all of them. At the same time, you’ll learn the key to setting yourself apart from all those other consultants who just give out the same information to everyone with the same ‘problem’ and how to become the go-to style expert for your customers and everyone they know.
12: How to put on a small group Style Workshop
There are innumerable benefits to running style workshops for your clients – and for you too. Here are 9 suggestions for content, 5 simple steps for planning a small group style workshop, how to run the actual event itself, and how to use all these ideas to promote your business locally to gain more customers.
Colour Psychology
13: Introducing Colour Psychology to your Clients
When you use colour personality in your services, you can create a bespoke service for each individual client – the more personalised your service, the more exclusive and the more you can charge. You will learn how to relate to your client, how to work out exactly what she needs, plus you’ll grasp insights into your own personality and how this, in itself, could be the key to a truly successful business.
14: Help your Clients Express who they truly are with Colour & Style
The colour and style skills you have are extremely powerful and you should never underestimate what you can do for a client. You could truly change her life overnight but only when you understand how important it is for your client to be able to express who she really is. We look at three specific ways to do this, including what will you get out of it, and what’s in it for every single one of your clients.
Colour Analysis Podcasts
These podcasts are available to Colour Academy Members Only
Style Personality
15: Dress your Client’s Personality AND her Body
Using 6 generic style personality types, here are suggestions for dressing each of them together with hints and tips on fabrics, detailing, prints, necklines and lengths for skirts, trousers and jackets to suit different body shapes. Using real examples, learn how to put this all together to give your client a blueprint for dressing both her personality and her physicality.
16: Who Are You? And What Are You Doing Here?
Why is it important to understand who you are and what you’re doing here? Included are 4 exercises to help you discover who you are and what the heck you’re doing on this planet right now so that your customers can benefit and your business can grow.
17: Creating a Business that Reflects YOU
Before your prospects part with their hard-earned money for your colour and style services, they want to know just who they’re going to be dealing with. So let’s look at how to create a business that reflects who you are and how that in itself will bring you more clients and more revenue.
18: Money, Power and You
You should be rewarded for your skills, your enthusiasm, for the amount of time and money you’ve invested in training and learning how to do what you do over the past three hundred years or more. But if you’ve got issues around money, then you can have the greatest product or service in the world and you’ll make next to nothing. Learn how to reclaim your money power by understanding where you’re currently giving it away.
19: Is the Law of Attraction Relevant to Your Business?
I’m always being asked about the Law of Attraction. Here I explain what the LOA is, how it works, how it affects you, your life and your business and how you can use it. Then you can decide for yourself if it’s relevant to you.
20: Getting (and keeping) the Millionaire Mindset
If you want your results to change, you have to change the way you think. We look at how to put a stop to poor results, how to set goals and expectations, and how to make decisions for inevitable success with a millionaire mindset.
21: Getting Over Your Money Blocks
Are you ready to break through your money blocks to create the business and lifestyle you really want and deserve? Working through proven exercises and practical tips, you will uncover how to transform your identity around money.
More Clients
22: 7 Secrets to Attracting All the Clients You Want
Without clients spending money with you, you do not have a business. Here are my 7 secrets to attracting all the clients you want including the 3 things you must do to get more clients, how to make it easy for them to say yes, and how to make all this happen easily with one simple change.
23: How to Get More Paying Clients in the Next 30 Days
The 5 steps you must follow to set up a simple system to get sales fast and in the next 30 days. Included are some actual scripts of what to say to communicate quickly what it is that you offer so that prospects book with you right there and then. You’ll also learn the # 1 habit of successful business owners who know how to create cash on demand.
Colour Analysis Podcasts
These podcasts are available to Colour Academy Members Only
Convert More Prospects
24: 3 Easy Ways to Generate a Steady Stream of Clients
Here are 3 methods that my own mentoring clients have successfully used over and over to get consultations, and in a relatively short amount of time (1 to 4 weeks). This includes actual scripts (and how I would have improved them) plus five 5 easy steps to follow when you’re creating a marketing plan to generate a steady stream of clients.
25: 3 Keys to Maximising Sales Conversations
Demolish your dread of selling when you learn how to create and implement high-impact sales conversations. Included are tips and suggestions for what to say, when and how to say it, and a practical assignment to get you started on finding new customers and working again with your already-happy clients.
26: Dealing with Your Own Sales Objections
Are you worried about being seen as a salesperson rather than an image consultant, or coming across as too pushy? Selling is the most critical skill for any business person to master but instead of going on a sales training course, here’s how to have natural sales conversations which means that both you and your clients get exactly what you want.
27: How to Turn Prospects into Customers
You have lots of people who are keen to have their colours or style done but your image skills will remain a delightful hobby until you learn how to make money from them. Use my simple 4-step marketing plan to turn those potential clients into paying customers.
Promote Your Services
28: Boost Your Income from Speaking
You probably think that speaking from the stage will just bring you a fee for speaking. Here I show you how to leverage your speaking engagements to increase your income. We look at where to speak, who you can sell to, what you can sell from the stage and how to sell without feeling pushy or ‘salesy’.
29: Using Social Media Effectively
Should you even be using social media in your business marketing strategy? Two major reasons why you should at least consider using social media to drive traffic to your website. Included are 4 top tips from an internet expert about using social media, and a 30-day strategy for success from yet another expert.
30: Newsletters & eZines
Newsletters and eZines are an easy way to promote your services and products. Even if you hate writing, here are some practical exercises to brainstorm ideas for articles plus 13 tips for quick and attractive topics. Plus I reveal the actual process of how to use newsletters and eZines to direct potential customers to your website.
Success Strategies
31: Defining Your Niche
If you want a successful business you have to get clear on what you want to offer and who you want to work with. Here are 7 powerful reasons to define where your business is going, with 3 simple steps and specific exercises to help you define your niche so that potential clients can identify themselves and see that they need to work with you!
32: From Overwhelmed to Organised
Wherever you are right now in your business, if you are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of STUFF that you have to do then this is for you. Follow my easy 2-part plan to get organised and efficient and take back control.
33: Exactly Who Is Your Target Audience?
Focusing on the group of people most likely to need your services will bring you more customers, more business and more revenue. Included are exercises to help you define your niche market and how you can help them, how to package your expertise and how to market your specific business for real success.
34: 3 Ways to Grow Your Business
What’s the best way for you to double, triple or quadruple your business? Learn how to increase the number of clients, how to create the right environment for people to buy, and how to work with paying customers over and over again.
Colour Analysis Podcasts
These podcasts are available to Colour Academy Members Only
More colour academy content
- Colour analysis masterclasses
- Colour analysis podcasts
- Colour analysis toolkit
- Colour Academy membership
- Library membership (separate website)
More colour analysis courses
- Colour Analysis Training a Box
- Hair Colour Analysis
- Colour Psychology
- Tonal Colour Analysis
- The Tonal Taster
- Colour Your Client Online
- Advanced Colour Analysis
- Fabulous Colour Academy
Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies
All our ‘Stuff the System’ colour analysis training and personal style courses are franchise-free which means you do not have to use our colour analysis drapes, capes, and fabric fans when you train with us. There are no franchise-style restrictions here and, unlike many training companies out there, we believe you should be able to choose colour supplies with no strings attached. However, for your delectation, here is our online catalogue of colour analysis supplies at trade prices – the colour supplies we use in all our colour & style courses:
- Colour analysis draping kits
- Seasonal & tonal colour analysis drape sets
- Our recommended colour analysis starter kit
- Seasonal colour analysis fabric fans
- Tonal colour analysis fabric fans

Course Includes
- 34 Modules
Useful tip:
How to add your own course notes