20 Colour analysis Masterclasses – Learn new colour analysis, personal style, colour psychology and style personality skills.
For Fabulous Colour Academy members only.
Learn new skills with 20 Colour analysis Masterclasses
- colour analysis
- personal style
- colour psychology
- style personality
- strategy
1: Promote yourself with Cool & Warm
How to use variations on Cool and Warm to promote your business and book those clients in for colour analysis. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at the benefits of using only Cool & Warm; how to use Cool & Warm to promote your business; suggestions for content and planning ideas for a workshop or presentation.
2: The how-to of Style workshops
How to promote them, plan them, time them, earn from them, with suggestions for content. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at how to run Personal Style workshops in 5 steps:
- Why you should run style workshops
- How to plan them, including timing issues
- How to earn from them
- Some suggestions for content
- How to promote them
3: Colour presentations to explode your business
How to show potential colour clients that they should book with you now. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at the way you introduce potential clients to your colour services by creating a signature talk about colour. We’re going to look at the purpose of the presentation or talk; who is it for?; suggestions for content including two of my own scripts; and why you should create a signature talk.
4: The one-to-one colour consultation
What to focus on, what to leave out, timings, and colour suggestions for each season. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at the one-to-one colour consultation. We’re going to look at:
- What to focus on, what to include with suggestions for content
- what to leave out
- the eternal problem of how to time your sessions
- and colour suggestions for each season
5: Getting out of your own way
You need to change the way you think if you want to turn your ‘expensive hobby’ into a successful, income-producing business. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at how to change your thinking to help you get what you want. We’re going to look at what’s going wrong; why you are getting in your own way; ideas to help you turn that around; and real-life examples to inspire and encourage you.
Colour Analysis Masterclasses
These masterclasses are available to Colour Academy Members Only
6: Accessories – the secret weapons of the world’s top stylists
Show your clients how to use a few simple accessories to create a stylish, co-ordinated look, that brings out their personality and flatters their body shape. This masterclass is all about taking a f resh look at accessories – the dark art of styling by looking at:
- How accessories workshop can turn your business around
- How to create your own accessories workshop
- How to promote your accessories workshop
- Styling tips from real – life accessory – wearing experts
- My own analogy of which accessories each of the different Style Personalities wear best
- The importance of accessories
7: Colour analysis without a drape in sight
Five simple techniques to diagnose your client’s colour direction without having to use any drapes at all. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at why you should learn how to analyse your client’s colour direction without drapes; how and why to use these techniques; 5 simple techniques to analyse without drapes, and 2 bonus tips!
8: Body bits!
Eight easy ways for dealing with the main body ‘issues’ that your clients complain about. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at:
- The body ‘issues’ your clients may want to discuss
- 8 different techniques for dealing with the main body ‘issues’ that your clients complain about
- How to build your client’s self – esteem
- How you can change your client’s life
9: How to keep colour clients coming back for more
If you’re seeing a colour client only once, you’re short-changing both you and them! Use my strategies and they’ll still be coming back 30 years later! This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at how to keep your colour clients coming back for more. We’re going to look at why you should bring your colour clients back for more; easy-to-implement successful client retention techniques that I use myself; suggestions for further colour services to offer your clients; and suggestions for how to promote your improved colour services.
10: Find your first clients!
Six simple steps to finding your first paying customers. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at:
- No customers and no idea how to find them?
- I know how you feel
- 6 simple steps to finding your first customers
- My hints and tips for each of the 6 steps
11: Colour – a psychological preference
Colours play a crucial role in the expression of personality and emotion. You are not just dressing a body; you also need to “address” your client’s psychological preferences. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at how you could use colour psychology as a tool to help you understand more about your client so you can offer her a more bespoke service. We’re going to look at how colours play a crucial role in the expression of personality and emotion; why you need to “address” your client’s psychological preferences to be able to dress her body; discover your own Colour Psychology; more about the 4 different colour personalities, and how to turn your business around just by knowing your own colour psychological preferences.
12: Simplified eye colour analysis
Charts, definitions and famous examples to help make eye colour analysis much simpler. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at eyes with:
- The simplified eye colour chart that I use
- Suggested descriptions for eye colours
- In-depth expert information and research about human eye colours
- How to use eye colours effectively in your analyses – what to look for, and famous examples
Colour Analysis Masterclasses
These masterclasses are available to Colour Academy Members Only
13: Ignore proportion, line and scale at your peril
How to make these crucial concepts interesting, fun and immensely useful for both you and your style client. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at scale and proportion. We’re going to look at definitions for scale and proportion and why they’re crucial; suggestions for Dressing up vs. Dressing down; could this offer more value for your clients and prospects?; and suggestions for content.
14: Body shape diagnosis without a tape measure
How to diagnose the different body shapes easily without having to touch your client, and how to dress each of them. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at:
- Four body shapes
- Put your client at ease
- 3 ways to diagnose body shape without touching your client
- How to dress each body shape
15: Simplified hair colour analysis
Insider hints, tips and advice from expert hair professionals to help you analyse hair colour, whether it’s natural, dyed or gone grey. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at Hair Colour Analysis and how not to get your knickers in a twist about something that should be so simple! We’re going to look at identifying hair colour; colour communication; how to deal with client hair queries; expert hair colour advice for your clients; and how to read professional hair shade charts.
16: Style personality
This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at style personality. We’re going to look at:
- Definitions for 6 style personalities and why we need them
- How to dress them, with famous examples
- My own personal script to describe the 6 types
- Suggestions for how to promote your style personality sessions
17: How many seasons?
Are there 4, 12, 16 seasons? This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at how to use your knowledge about the different methods out there to promote and deliver your seasonal and/or tonal colour analysis services. We’re going to look at the myths and realities about the number of theories and methodologies out there; the choices you have; why you need to make a decision about which approach to use; and how you can use this information to promote your business.
18: The one-to-one style consultation
How to plan and time the session, how to promote them, and my suggestions for content. This masterclass is all about taking a fresh look at the one-to-one style consultation. We’re going to look at:
- What to include with suggestions for content
- What to leave out
- Hints, tips, suggestions and some fresh ideas for analysing body shape, face shape, scale, and style personality
- What we’re aiming for in a style consultation
19: The perfect consultation
You may know colour and style theory inside out but Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” How to make every consultation a fabulous experience for your client.
20: Create a styling program for your VIPs
Learn how to put your skills and talents together in one super-duper VIP styling program for your high-end clients. For serious image consultants only!
Colour Analysis Masterclasses
These masterclasses are available to Colour Academy Members Only
More colour academy content
- Colour analysis masterclasses
- Colour analysis podcasts
- Colour analysis toolkit
- Colour Academy membership
- Library membership (separate website)
More colour analysis courses
- Colour Analysis Training a Box
- Hair Colour Analysis
- Colour Psychology
- Tonal Colour Analysis
- The Tonal Taster
- Colour Your Client Online
- Advanced Colour Analysis
- Fabulous Colour Academy
Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies
All our ‘Stuff the System’ colour analysis training and personal style courses are franchise-free which means you do not have to use our colour analysis drapes, capes, and fabric fans when you train with us. There are no franchise-style restrictions here and, unlike many training companies out there, we believe you should be able to choose colour supplies with no strings attached. However, for your delectation, here is our online catalogue of colour analysis supplies at trade prices – the colour supplies we use in all our colour & style courses:
- Colour analysis draping kits
- Seasonal & tonal colour analysis drape sets
- Our recommended colour analysis starter kit
- Seasonal colour analysis fabric fans
- Tonal colour analysis fabric fans

Course Includes
- 20 Modules
- 20 Topics
Useful tip:
How to add your own course notes