Coffee in the VIP lounge?

We don’t serve coffee in the VIP Lounge I’m afraid, but here in the main office it’s Lavazza Crema e Gusto all day long! We’d add coffee to your VIP Lounge members’ account if we could, but the technology just isn’t quite there yet.
So put your Itallian coffee pot on the stove, brew that perfect Americano, and I’ll tell you a little about who we are, how we started out, and why we created The VIP Lounge.
Why I started training
Hundreds of years ago, when I was offering personal colour consultations, 3 ladies all rang me in the same month to ask for my help. They had all trained as image consultants with other companies but they weren’t making any money.
They wanted to know what exactly I was doing, how I was getting regular customers, and why my diary was booked up so far ahead. I invited each of them to my home for a private chat to see how I could help. Funnily enough, each one arrived with a box of drapes and asked the same question, What do I do with these?
So not only did they not have a clue how to find clients but they were also struggling with how to run an actual colour consultation. Training companies were taking people’s money, a lot of money, and leaving them high and dry with no support.
Such behaviour on the part of the training companies was guaranteed to make me extremely grumpy!
You have to understand that I was put on this planet to teach but not in the conventional school system.
So put together two of my absolute favourites, colour analysis + teaching, and that’s why I started training image consultants and creating courses, not only in the core skills of colour analysis and personal style, but also business training, showing you how to get a return on your training investment and be in profit as quickly as possible.

Kim Bolsover
Managing Director
The VIP Lounge was founded by award-winning mentor, trainer, speaker, and author, Kim Bolsover, who is also an independent trainer for Wella UK’s Master Colour Expert trainers and a Certified Words That Change Minds LAB Profile® Practitioner. Kim has over 40 years’ experience teaching colour, style and image, appearance, behaviour and communication, and in coaching and mentoring image consultants and entrepreneurs to build their own successful businesses.
Kim works closely with IT consultant Neil Broadbent of Kielder Computers Ltd who brings over 30 years technical experience to The VIP Lounge along with the know-how behind a multitude of ecommerce websites, and over 15 years’ video, lighting & sound production, and DVD publishing and packaging experience at Penelope Pink Productions.
More about Kim Bolsover
(10 things you didn’t know)
Published training
We started publishing recordings of our live training courses on DVD video and audio CD in 2006. I can’t believe we started shipping DVDs all around the world so many years ago!
Just think how technology has changed during that time.
It’s no surprise that more and more enquiries started coming in asking how our training could be accessed without a DVD player.
Remember when DVD players were common place in computers? Doesn’t seem that long ago does it, but desktop and laptop computers more often than not just don’t have them anymore.
Ways of working have changed too.
With today’s video streaming technology and broadband internet connections, it’s normal to work through an online course using earbuds or headphones, and a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
So we decided to take the plunge and phase out DVD sales in favour of online professional-level colour analysis courses, audiobooks, step-by-step masterclasses, and not-so-mini mini courses. Training that can be easily accessed from anywhere around the world.
Too many websites
The technology we had to hand during those early years, creating online training courses, meant that as our training business grew, the number of separate websites for each training product range grew also. A website for The Library, a website for Mini Courses, one for Professional Training, another for Coaching & Mentoring, yet another for the Masterclasses, another for Colour Supplies.
You get the picture. It all became a bit too much.
We needed a way to make things easier for our customers, with a single log in instead of several accounts, and we needed to make it easier for ourselves too.
The VIP Lounge
The VIP Lounge is the new single-log-in website we’ve all been waiting for. The new home for instant online access to private forums, secure discussion groups, bespoke mentoring & coaching, and franchise-free training, with one account, and just one username and password.
It’s the place where you can enjoy online access to all your training and coaching purchases. Anywhere, anytime access in the comfort of your own home or office with just one log in from a huge range of compatible devices including Android tablets & smartphones, iPhones, iPads, laptops and desktops.
Free Course Upgrades
We are in the process of moving all our training courses and resources into The VIP Lounge. When it’s done, you will be able to access ALL your courses and resources in one place, using just one username and password.
However, please don’t expect everything to be moved at the same time. This is a huge undertaking so we will be completing the project in stages throughout 2022.
The courses and resources upgrades are free-of-charge to all customers and include content updates, new structure, and progress tracking so you never forget where you are in your training.
Celebrating over 40 years
working with colour & style
since 1980
Revolutionary Franchise-Free Image Consultant Training
with award winning course author Kim Bolsover
Winner: Most Inspirational Consultant Running An Image-Related Business – International Federation of Image Consultants (IFIC) / Federation of Image Professionals International (FIPI) Spirit of Inspiration Awards
Which course is right for you?
Our colour analysis courses are just the ticket if you’re looking for high-end, in-depth, nothing-left-out training. All our professional-level courses include training manuals, additional resources, lifetime access, automatic free course updates, and help & support when you need it.
Recommended courses
If you were to ask me for a training recommendation, the course combination that would get your image consultancy up-and-running and profitable in the shortest possible time, would be these little gems.
- Start with Colour Analysis Training in a Box
- Then complete Colour Your Client Fabulous Online
- Followed by the Get More Clients Course
Colour Your Client Online
Easily create a professional, personalised, unique colour personality experience that you can offer to both offline and online clients.
Colour Analysis Training in a Box
Diagnose both seasonal and tonal colour analysis for every skin type. Learn how to get your colour consultancy up and running, and how to run your colour consultations and workshops.
Get More Clients Course
Where to find your first paying clients, how to let clients know that you’re available for business, exactly what to say to them, what to charge, and how to retain clients too.
Colour Analysis Training in a Box is franchise-free, like all our courses, with no rules or restictions, and contains absolutely everything you need to develop your colour analysis skills, taking into account your personality and the personality of your client too. The modular course structure with lifetime access means your learning resources will be at your side every step of the way.
More articles
Get professional-level image consultant training with lifetime email support. Ask all your questions and get personalized assistance. Read more
Coffee in the VIP lounge?
Join The VIP Lounge and take your career as an image consultant to new heights. Get the support, resources, and guidance you need to succeed. Read more
Colour analysis blog articles
Get inspired by our colour analysis blog articles. Discover how colour can influence your style and express your personality. Read more
Colour analysis in the VIP lounge
Take your colour analysis skills to the next level with our upgraded professional courses. Dive into a new layout, features, and support. Read more
Course upgrades and new features
Discover the new VIP Lounge with course upgrades + new features. Access all your discussion groups and courses in one place with one account. Read more
Have some fun with colour analysis
Discover the exciting upgrades to our colour analysis mini courses! Have some fun with colour and explore new features in our VIP Lounge. Read more
How to add your own course notes
Take your learning to the next level with our note-taking feature for colour analysis courses. Remember more by adding your own course notes. Read more
Not-so-mini colour analysis mini courses
Upgrade your colour analysis knowledge with our professional-level franchise-free courses. Join the VIP Lounge for extensive training. Read more