You probably think that speaking from the stage will just bring you a fee for speaking. Here I show you how to leverage your speaking engagements to increase your income. We look at where to speak, who you can sell to, what you can sell from the stage and how to sell without feeling pushy or salesy.

Originally published as audiobooks in 2014, we have remastered the original recordings to create new podcast titles that use the latest adaptive streaming technology. Fast-forward and rewind, use chapter markers to find your place, and get the best possible audio from your internet connection, with no time wasted downloading and no storage space taken on your device. Perfect!

VIP Lounge | Courses | Boost your income from speaking

Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies

All our courses, collections, and coaching are franchise-free which means you do not have to use the colour analysis drapes, capes, and fabric fans in our online catalogue of colour analysis supplies at trade prices. The colour supplies we use in our courses are:

About Instructor

Kim Bolsover

The VIP Lounge was founded by award-winning mentor, trainer, speaker, and author, Kim Bolsover, who is also an independent trainer for Wella UK’s Master Colour Expert trainers and a Certified Words That Change Minds LAB Profile® Practitioner. Kim has over 40 years’ experience teaching colour, style and image, appearance, behaviour and communication, and in coaching and mentoring image consultants and entrepreneurs to build their own successful businesses. 10 things you didn't know about me

45 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Modules
  • all major cards accepted