About the Courses
Franchise-free courses
with lifetime access and lifetime email support
All our training is franchise-free with no strings attached.

Expertly Authored
Our training is built on over 40 years hands-on experience
working with colour and style.

Lifetime Access + Lifetime Support
All our training includes lifetime course access, and all the support you need. So re-take your courses whenever you feel the need to refresh your skills.

Training with Flexi Pay
Start your training with Flexi Pay
Flexi Pay payment options include Pay in full, Interest-free split pay, and Pay monthly. When you spread the cost and pay monthly you get instant access to your training just like when you pay in full.
A fulfilling, colour-ful, prosperous life!
Easily learn a skill for life and help women everywhere look and feel fabulously confident by showing them how to dress to express who they really are.
With lifetime access to your online training, you can take as long as you like… or you could have your first paying client in less than 3 weeks!
You’re not on your own.
You get private access to me for support to ask me all your questions in confidence. Send me photos with your initial thoughts about your volunteers and clients (and about YOU too!) and let’s talk it through together.
You will change. Your life will change
You’ll become known as the go-to colour/style expert.
Your self-confidence will go through the roof.
You’ll know that you can use colour & style to make more for your family, anytime, forever!
This is NOT the usual run-of-the-mill training
It doesn’t matter how many types of seasons, tones, colour personalities, body shapes, style personalities, there may be. Image consultants want to know these details to the Nth degree but your client most probably doesn’t care!
With my unique Stuff the System. Put the Client First! training, you will learn how to give the client what SHE wants, by learning how to:
- analyse seasonal & tonal colour with and without drapes
- diagnose body shape without touching or wielding a tape measure
- discover your client’s personality type using 5 different methods
- find clients easily by copying my simple, fun, secret marketing method
- keep them coming back for more
Colour is never about the blasted drapes or swatch wallets. They are simply tools in your toolbox. You might use them. You might not! Style is never about which flippin’ musical instrument you resemble.
Women everywhere will CONSULT you, the expert, for how to dress so that they can LOOK and FEEL fabulously confident on every occasion!
You can help them do exactly that, simply by learning seasonal & tonal colour analysis and/or personal style and shape. And once you’ve learned and madly practised your skills, you can, if you choose, earn a fabulous income for the rest of your days.
Can you do this?
I have no interest in fashion and can’t stand shopping for anything, never mind clothes. I am not a visual learner so it took me at least 5 years to ‘get’ colour analysis and only then by working with a mentor who helped me ‘see’ colour in a way that worked for my learning style.
So if I can help people who love fashion to choose their best colours and styles when they go shopping… and still be earning from colour & style 40 years later… YOU most certainly can!
Just Flippin’ Do It!
Create your own fulfilling, colour-ful, prosperous life today.
Always, always start with colour analysis.
Already got colour in the bag?
Show your happy colour clients how to dress for their shape, scale, and style personality with a personal style course.
Not sure what to do next?
Then let’s talk – I’ve been where you are, I know how it feels to not have a clue, and I’m here to help.
Life is too short to faff about. Just Flippin’ Do It!

Training Plan
Training plan
If you were to ask me for a recommendation, this course combination, with certification, would have your image consultancy up-and-running and profitable in the shortest possible time.
Here is your training plan
Start with
Colour Analysis Training in a Box
then complete
Colour Your Client Fabulous Online
followed by the
Get More Clients Course
Colour Analysis Training in a Box
Diagnose both seasonal and tonal colour analysis for every skin type. Learn how to get your colour consultancy up and running, and how to run your colour consultations and workshops.
Colour Your Client Online
Easily create a professional, personalised, unique colour personality experience that you can offer to both offline and online clients.
Get More Clients Course
Where to find your first paying clients, how to let clients know that you’re available for business, exactly what to say to them, what to charge, and how to retain clients too.

Customer Reviews
