Stop spending money on clothes you never wear. Learn what to wear, what not to wear, and how to create a capsule wardrobe that works for every occasion.
How to stop spending money on clothes you never wear. Learn what to wear, what not to wear, and how to create a capsule wardrobe that works for every occasion. Imagine coming home from your next shopping trip with clothes that you just can’t wait to wear because you know with absolute confidence that they will make you look and feel fabulous. You will be doing just that with this sanity-saving, 60-minute, online mini-course.
Instead of being a wimp like me and hiding under the duvet how would you like to go shopping for clothes with total confidence? – Kim Bolsover
Stop spending your hard-earned cash on clothes you never wear. Come home from your clothes shopping trip with fabulous items that easily integrate with the rest of your wardrobe.
You hit the shops, get completely overwhelmed with all the choices on offer, so you come home with absolutely nothing. You’re frustrated and angry, and you swear you’ll never go shopping for clothes again.
Or you go clothes shopping, with no idea what will actually suit you, so you buy a complete load of rubbish that you end up never wearing. Then you feel guilty that you’ve wasted all that money! I completely relate to this.
When it came to shopping for myself, I was a total wimp. I used to do a ‘hit and run’ at the shopping mall. My premise was that if I couldn’t find what I was looking for in 10 minutes flat, I was off home!
Needless to say, I usually came home with absolutely zilch and then I felt totally naffed off with myself. I began telling everyone that I would rather stick pins in my eyes than go shopping for clothes!
It was verging on becoming a phobia, something that I avoided like the plague. I was a total wimp and took to hiding under the duvet when anyone suggested doing anything remotely connected to ‘shopping’.
But I finally realised that unless I wanted to carry on wearing for years to come what I’d already been wearing for far too long, I had to do something about it. The truth was that I didn’t have a clue what I was looking for, so there was no flippin’ wonder I couldn’t find it!
I had to learn how to make shopping for clothes a positive experience or I could envision the day they’d have to bury me in my lurex flares and platform shoes from the Seventies – I exaggerate, of course, but not a lot!
I was telling this story to a lovely lady on the phone the other day and she said,
That’s exactly how me and my friends feel too. We go shopping individually and together and we usually come away with nothing. Either that, or we spend a fortune on stuff we never really wanted in the first place. We’ve all got wardrobes full of garbage and we all feel guilty about the money we’ve wasted. We could really do with learning what to do about it! – Lovely Lady
So, instead of being a wimp like me and hiding under the duvet how would you like to go shopping for clothes with total confidence?
There are hints and tips to help you:
- know exactly what to look for when shopping for clothes
- stop spending your hard-earned cash on stuff you never wear – forever
- quit running out of steam when shopping and how to make the most of your valuable time
- come home with fabulous items that easily integrate with the rest of your wardrobe and make you feel a million dollars when you wear them
- Plus – the one thing you must never, ever do when shopping for clothes – get this one right before you even leave the house and I guarantee it will change your life!
Imagine coming home from your next shopping trip with clothes that you just can’t wait to wear because you know with absolute confidence that they will make you look and feel fabulous. – Kim Bolsover
More free stuff
- Clothes Shopping with Confidence
- Dress to reflect how you want others to see you
- Free image consultant training
- Look good feel good be fabulous
Recommended Colour Analysis Supplies
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Over 60 minutes of hints and tips to help avoid the frustration and overwhelm of shopping for yourself, so that you will know exactly what to look for, and how to stop spending your hard-earned cash on stuff you never wear.
Format: 63 minutes of video of me teaching to camera.
- Video of live training webinar
- Audio of live training webinar
- Webinar notes & workbook (24 pages)

Useful tip:
How to add your own course notes